Maxime Déraspe, PhD Student
Corbeil Laboratory
As a land surveyor and its theodolite,
Ray Surveyor enables comparison of (meta)-genomes from different angles.
Ray Meta and Surveyor use graph coloring to assign a shared identifier (color) to each kmer.
Coloring is a design pattern to reuse the combination of genomes (color) that are assigned to each kmer. The color design pattern is similar to hash consing or flyweight pattern.
Huge save in memory consumption.
Ray Surveyor main algorithm is pretty simple.
For each kmer virtual color, we increment counters for each pair of genomes contained in that virtual color.
We report those counts (of shared kmers) into a
Gram matrix.
# Iterate over each kmer
FOR each kmer in GRAPH
# Iterage over each pair of color from the virtual_color
# Set also the lower triangle of the Gram Matrix
Question : why does the internal loops start at genome_1 ?
Because we only need to compute the upper triangle !
Genome 1 | Genome 2 | Genome 3 | |
Genome 1 | 2001 | 112 | 113 |
Genome 2 | 112 | 2002 | |
Genome 3 | 113 | 123 | 2003 |
Question : What are the numbers on the diagonal ?
Answer : The size of genomes in kmers.
Size in base pairs = size_in_kmers + kmer_length - 1
Genome A | Genome B | Genome C | |
Genome A | A | A ∩ B | A ∩ C |
Genome B | A ∩ B | B | B ∩ C |
Genome C | A ∩ C | B ∩ C | C |
The Gram matrix is symmetrical
(Only compute upper triangle)
The Gram matrix can be normalized (diagonal = 1)
The Gram matrix can be transformed into a distance matrix (diagonal = 0) based on a distance metric
(Euclidean, Cosine, Canberra, etc..)
Can be use for clustering
(hierarchical cluster dendrograms)
Can be use for basic phylogenies (~ phenetic trees)
(UPGMA or Neighbor-Joining tree)
Filtering kmers in Ray Surveyor allow comparison of (meta)-genomes based on an external datasets.
We can build filter with any sequence datasets.
Sequence datasets are usually built from genes with similar characteristics
(Antibiotic Resistance Genes, Virulence factors, etc.).
Filter-in : include only the kmers from the filtering dataset.
Filter-out : exclude all the kmers from the filtering dataset.
We can also combine different filters.
Filtering-IN A | Genome B | Genome C |
Genome B | A ∩ B (or B) | A ∩ B ∩ C |
Genome C | A ∩ B ∩ C | A ∩ C (or C) |
Filtering-OUT A | Genome B | Genome C |
Genome B | B \ (A∩B) (or B) | B∩C \ (A∩B∩C) |
Genome C | B∩C \ (A∩B∩C) | C \ (A∩C) (or C) |
Cophenetic correlation is used to give a similarity score between clusters from whole genomes (all kmers) and filtered genomes (kmers from antibiotic resistance genes).
Question : explanation for this high correlation ?
Answer : Intrinsic resistance in P. aeruginosa
Ray Surveyor has been used to compare large population of bacterial genomes and metagenomes.
The similarity measure is based on the number of shared kmers between genome sequences.
It also provides a filtering functionality to compare the (meta)-genomes based on an external datasets
(e.g. gene sequences associated with a specific phenotype).
Bacterial Genomes Comparison with Filtering
Gut Metagenomes Comparison
Before and After Antibiotics Treatment
Time for a little hands-on exercice !
# Dependencies:
#- gcc >= 4.8.1 (c++ 11)
#- openmpi or mpich (MPI for parallelism)
#- python 3 + miniconda* (for Surveyor scripts)
# Ray Installation
git clone;
git clone;
cd ray;
make install;
cd ../
# Ray Surveyor Tutorial
git clone
cd raysurveyor-tutorial
conda env create -f surveyor_scripts/conda_env.yml
# download the microbiome dataset (#2)
tar xvf survey.res.microbiomes.tgz
5 VIH Genomes + 2 filtering datasets
See raysurveyor-tutorial/survey.conf
-k 31
-output survey.res
-filter-in-assembly-1 Pol-Genes_in datasets/Pol-Genes.fa
-filter-in-assembly-2 Gag-Genes_in datasets/Gag-Genes.fa
-filter-out-assembly-3 Pol-Genes_out datasets/Pol-Genes.fa
-filter-out-assembly-3 Gag-Genes_out datasets/Gag-Genes.fa
-read-sample-assembly AF069671.1 datasets/AF069671.1.fa
-read-sample-assembly AF224507.1 datasets/AF224507.1.fa
-read-sample-assembly AY445524.1 datasets/AY445524.1.fa
-read-sample-assembly EU541617.1 datasets/EU541617.1.fa
-read-sample-assembly GQ372986.1 datasets/GQ372986.1.fa
Question : How many filters in the configuration ?
3 !
cd raysurveyor-tutorial/
mpiexec -n 2 ../ray/BUILD/Ray survey.conf
# ... wait for Ray to finish
ls survey.res/Surveyor
# Expected output of the previous ls command
# Explore the files to see what's inside
less survey.res/Surveyor/KmerMatrix.tsv
less survey.res/Surveyor/
Now let's analyse the results
# activate the python virtual environment
# ..with surveyor_scripts dependencies
cd raysurveyor-tutorial/
source activate raysurveyor
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000000
Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser
Open survey-notebook-demo.ipynb
Execute the cells with <shift-enter>
Open survey-notebook-demo.ipynb
Execute the cells with <shift-enter>
23 patients that had an antibiotic treatment (Cefprozil)*
6 controls (patients 6, 7, 8, 23, 25, and 38)
Open survey-notebook-microbiome.ipynb
Execute the cells with <shift-enter>
Complete missing code for the 3rd filtered matrix
Answer questions in the notebook
What is the best kmer length for analysis ?
It depends of the data. The kmer length can be seen as a trade-off between sensitivity and specificity. Evolutionarily distant genomes require shorter kmers to get a good signal (sensitivity) while more similar genomes benefit from larger kmer lengths for more specificity. Previous studies have shown the efficiency of 31-mers in bacterial genome clustering and its robustness in bacterial metagenome profiling.
Limitations of the filtering functionality ?
A limitation of the filtering approach is that it involves the gathering of sequence data that adequately represents the diversity of the genes or functional category under study. A type gene dataset would generally not be sufficiant, as the filtering dataset must contains enough sequence variants to grasp the dissimilarity between close genomes with a limited number of signal (shared kmers). This issue should be alleviated by better filtering datasets as more sequences and better annotations become available in public databases.
Is Ray Surveyor Quantitative ?
Not from a abundance-based perspective. The kmer counts are binary - either present or absent from each (meta)-genome. So it's important to keep in mind that the comparison are based on the sequence content of the studied (meta)-genomes, rather than their relative abundances. For single bacterial genomes comparison, this has a minor impact on the results. For metagenomes, the interpretation of the results must be oriented toward the actual presence or absence of genomic content.
What is the difference between Ray Surveyor and other kmer counters ?
Counting kmers is one of the most trivial task in bioinformatics, and there is a lot of very efficient kmer counters out there (KMC, JellyFish, MSPKmerCounter, DSK, etc.). Ray Surveyor aims to be efficient and scalable by using the Ray Meta coloring pattern. It also does more computation for you than only counting the kmers by providing a Gram matrix that is use for further analyses. Also, the filtering functionality provides a convenient way to compare (meta)-genome datasets from different angles.